Cayvol Comercial, s.l. as manufacturer of equipment for the handling and transportation of industrial vehicle loads, adopts the commitment to continually improve the efficiency of its Integrated Management System, comply at all times with legislation and whichever regulation or standard related to the sector, comply with the requirements of its clients, use technology, best practice, best materials from manufactures like the one at and resources according to the end of the Integrated Management System, basing itself on the points detailed below:
• The Organisation establishes, controls and updates an Integrated Management System which forms part of its general management, being an essential element in the activity of itself, covering all its functions.
• The Integrated Management System is documented in a Manual and Procedural Manual. These documents are maintained updated and are distributed, well-known and applied to all the functions of the company.
• The Organisation establishes and revises the objectives and goals of the Integrated Management System taking into account the requirements of its clients, the continual improvement, the minimisation of the environmental impact and the health of its workers, using the current standards as a starting point.
• The Organization trains and motivates its employees to the end that they can exercise their activities inside and outside it, in a respectful way with the principles that are the foundation of the Integrated Management System. The training and participation of the personnel constitutes a primary objective for the Organization.
• The Organization promotes the prevention of pollution in its processes and services, so that they will have no unintentional impact over its environment.
• In the design of products, their intended use will be taken into account so that that it will not imply risks neither for the worker nor the end user, they will be efficient in relation to the needs of the client and with their consumption or resources during their entire service life.
• The Organisation promotes similar principles to those outlined here among its providers, urging and helping them to put them into practice, and taking into consideration its commitment to these motivations at the point of evaluating their offers.
• Periodic audits of the efficiency of the Integrated Management System and the attainment of objectives via established programmes are carried out, presenting the results to the positions concerned.
• A culture of improvement will be established throughout the whole organization, making the most of incidents to improve and rectify the causes that produced them, in order that they do not continue to repeat themselves.
• The Organization maintains an open posture of relations with those outside it in all matters concerning the Integrated Management System, be it with the Administration, interest groups or society in general, with their Policy being publicly available.
The Policy and principles exposed in this document will be revised and adapted based on the experience acquired by the Organization, and according to the latest standards and technological constraints.